
convertible note [paper] 可兌換紙幣[證券]。

convertible terms

On february 15 , 2006 , the vendor entered into a convertible note transfer agreement “ transfer agreement “ with topwood international limited , an independent third party , for the transfer of its entire holding in the company s convertible notes . pursuant to the transfer agreement , topwood will not exercise any conversion rights for a period of six months from the date of the transfer agreement 賣方于二零零六年二月十五日,與獨立第三者topwood international limited訂立可換股票據轉讓協議,出售賣方持有之所有可換股票據協議規定, topwood不會在六個月內行使可換股票據之換股權。

As of december 31 , 2001 , the group s gearing ratio is 0 . 17 and except for the non - interest bearning convertible notes issued , the group has basically no borrowings or long - term debts . the group s financial status is stable and healthy and has a cash balance of over hk 200 million 于業績結算日,除已發行的不計息可換股票據外,集團已無任何銀行借貸及其他長期借貸,負債比率約為0 . 17 ,手頭現金超過兩億港元,財政狀況非常穩健。

The group s financial status is stable and healthy and except for the hk $ 10 , 467 , 290 non - interest bearning convertible notes issued as a part of the consideration for the acquisition of dawning , the group has no borrowings to date 現時集團除收購曙光信息所發行的100 , 467 , 290港元之不計息可換股票據外,已無任何銀行借貸及其他長期借貸,財政狀況穩健。

The group s financial status is stable and healthy and except for the hk 10 , 467 , 290 non - interest bearning convertible notes issued as a part of the consideration for the acquisition of dawning , the group has no borrowings to date 現時集團除收購曙光信息所發行的100 , 467 , 290港元之不計息可換股票據外,已無任何銀行借貸及其他長期借貸,財政狀況穩健。

The acquisitions ( including the exercise of the option ) will be settled by the issue of two - year convertible notes which carry no interest and are convertible into ordinary shares of the company at hk $ 0 . 10 per share 有關收購(包括期權之行使)將全數以兩年期之可換股票據支付。可換股票據并無附帶利息,并可以每股0

As of december 31 , 2001 , the group s gearing ratio is 0 . 17 and except for the non - interest bearning convertible notes issued , the group has basically no borrowings or long - term debts 于業績結算日,除已發行的不計息可換股票據外,集團已無任何銀行借貸及其他長期借貸,負債比率約為0

As a condition to the s p agreement , the vendor and his associates are required not to hold any convertible notes of the company upon completion of the transaction 根據集團與賣方所訂之買賣協議,賣方及其聯系人士不得于買賣完成后持有集團之可換股票據。

The convertible notes are convertible at a conversion price of hk $ 0 . 1945 , bearning no interest and with a maturity period of two years 可換股票據之兌換價為每股0 . 1945港元,年期兩年,不計利息。

The convertible notes are convertible at a conversion price of hk 0 . 1945 , bearning no interest and with a maturity period of two years 可換股票據之兌換價為每股0 . 1945港元,年期兩年,不計利息。